Christopher A June 2023 Update

For those that have visited Christopher in the past three years, it is very likely that you have seen this error message on each visit.

It is finally time to explain the current state of Christopher

In Short: My PHP Coding Broke

Unfortunately, I have not been proactive in keeping my PHP coding up-to-date. My Web Host upgraded the PHP version in early 2020, and my coding reflected PHP 5.x. In addition to that, while I have kept several of my WordPress plugins up-to-date, I negelected to update others. Regardless of the reason why I did not update them, the fact of the matter is that I did not update many of my WordPress plugins. Furthermore, I am unable to access my Admin Panel for WordPress, so the only way that I was able to post this update is by logging into my Web Host's File Manager and manually upload an HTML file with the update.

Offers to Sell the Domain Name

In recent months, I have received notifications via my domain name registrar that there have some parties that are interested in purchasing the domain name. I am not interested in selling the domain name at this time.

The Future of Christopher

I do not know when I will accomplish this goal, but I am planning on completely redoing all of the HTML5, CSS, and PHP code for Christopher and reviving it with a liquid/fluid/responsive Web Design. It it my intention to restore as much of my previous content as I am able to do so. I will continue to evaluate what content I will restore and what content can be served on other platforms.

My Apologies

I apologize for the three year silence regarding the issue.

For those that have visited the Website in the past, I apologize for not keeping everyone notified with the situation.

For those that have visited the Website in hopes of purchasing the domain name, I apologize for the inconvenience. However, I do not plan on selling the domain name at this time.

When I have a more definite timeline on when I will be able to complete the restoration of Christopher, I will update this notice accordingly.